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Our Customer Service hours are 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
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If you’re a researcher and you’d like to talk to us about a grant for your research, take a look at our page for Researchers.

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If you’re a university, a research body, or a company with an idea on how to make banking work better for society, we’d love to hear from you. Get in touch at

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Frequently asked questions

Where can I find more information about Science Card's products and services?

You can find more details about Science Card's accounts, payments, and how you can actively contribute to scientific research on our website.

How can I stay informed about Science Card's latest initiatives and updates?

Stay updated on Science Card's latest news, research projects, and exciting developments by following us on our social media channels. It's important to note that any impact of funding a project is not immediately apparent; this is a gradual and lengthy process that requires time and patience. We encourage you to keep this in mind as you engage with our updates.

Connect with us on our social media platforms to get involved and learn more:





Your engagement and support can play a crucial role in advancing scientific knowledge and exploration. Join us on this journey and contribute to the long-term growth of scientific endeavours!

How can I get in touch with Science Card’s Customer Service team?

For any inquiries or assistance, you can reach our support team by emailing, or by messaging us if you are an account holder using in-app chat once you are logged in.

How can I provide feedback or suggestions to Science Card?

We value your feedback and suggestions as they help us improve our platform and services. You can provide feedback through the in-app chat or contact our customer support team at Your input is instrumental in shaping the future of Science Card.

The needle-free injection, which came out of Oxford University in 1993, has earned millions for its inventor.

Could you benefit from the IP of the next big medical device?

Science Card
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accelerate human knowledge

Sign up now for early access and more when we launch this autumn (we only have a few places left on our early access list, but don’t worry, you’re in!)

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